
National Treasures is a new social and health initiative jointly created by Changi General Hospital, South East Community District Council and Prudential. It seeks to galvanize like-minded partners to work with seniors and empower them to tell their stories. We believe that every elderly person is and can be an asset to Singapore and Singaporeans. If we can build an ecosystem and coalition of partners for Ageing, this will help Singapore become a more caring and inclusive place for Singaporeans. Through leveraging on each partner’s strengths and networks, we hope to work with the elderly on re-framing the popular and often negative-sounding ageing discourse, and help Singaporeans think through their perceptions on ageing and current narratives of Singapore’s demographic destiny.

We’re looking for like-minded partners to co-create new programmes or provide support on existing initiatives that meet the National Treasures objectives of recognizing the value of seniors or improving health outcomes or both. We can provide co-funding, venues and sponsors for such programmes and events and connect you to other National Treasures partners to create a bigger platform to amplify your current work, programmes and events.

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Our Programmes


Share a pot is a community-based project to improve the nutrition and fitness of community-dwelling seniors.In this project, seniors meet at centres within their own community to assess their fitness, exercise and enjoy a bowl of nutritious soup together.

This stimulates a prolonged increase in muscle synthesis for as long as 24 hours after the session. Beyond these weekly meet-ups, seniors take ownership of their own fitness by tracking the steps they take daily with a pedometer in exchange for reward stamps and tokens of participation. This gives the seniors the opportunity to not only fill their time with meaningful activities but also expand their social circle.


Caregiving @ South West was launched to provide a robust and conducive environment for caregivers in the district. As part of the South West Future Plan, the Caregiving @ South West aims to tackle the multi-faceted aspects of Caregiving via a three-pronged approach.

The movement will span across three years, to Celebrate Caregivers and Caregiving, Support Caregivers and Empower Caregiving. Through our collaboration, we hope to “humanize and dignify” the care recipients and celebrate the caregivers, who are the silent superheroes, with their unique stories.


National Treasures aims to actively engage with seniors and capture interesting stories about their heritageactive ageinginter-generational bonding and other interesting aspects of their life and share them with the wider community. Together with ACJC, we enter the homes of seniors as they reminisce about the past, share some advice for future generations, flip through old photo albums and show of their crafts and hobbies. 

Our Amazing Partners

Changi General Hospital

Changi General Hospital (CGH) is an award-winning public hospital with over 1,000 beds serving a community of more than 1 million in eastern Singapore. CGH offers a comprehensive range of medical specialties and services, helmed by a highly experienced and skilled team of healthcare professionals who consistently deliver excellent health outcomes and care for patients. CGH is a member of the SingHealth cluster of healthcare institutions.

South East CDC

South East CDC was set up on 24 November 2001. It oversees the Marine Parade Group Representative Constituency (GRC), East Coast GRC, Fengshan Single Member Constituency (SMC), Mountbatten SMC and MacPherson SMC, and serves a population of about half a million residents. At the helm of South East CDC is Mayor Mohamad Maliki Bin Osman, who steers efforts in achieving the three strategic thrusts that guide the work of the CDCs. Termed the “ABCs of Community Bonding‟ — Assisting the Needy, Bonding the People and Connecting the Community — South East CDC initiates and manages programmes in collaboration with both community and corporate partners along these three strategic thrusts, so as to nurture a vibrant and self-reliant community.

South West CDC

The South West Community Development Council (CDC) was formed on 24 November 2001, with the mission to Assist the Needy, Bond the People and Connect the Community. Through local help programmes, the South West CDC provides assistance to help the less fortunate in our community. The South West CDC also organises projects and programmes to promote community bonding and social cohesion. The South West CDC adopts the “Many Helping Hands” approach to encourage community ownership among residents, community partners and corporations to realise its vision of “Owning Your Community”.


ACJC is a Methodist Institution committed to an all-round education of the highest standards based on Christian principles. Their core values include upholding integrity, loyalty and humility to strengthen lives for service and friendship; nurturing self-discipline and tenacity of purpose to build ruggedness of body and spirit; and inspiring passion and the courage to venture above the ordinary to make a difference.

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